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Lapsen oikeuksien päivä 20.11. - Ruukin kehräämö

Children's Rights Day 20.11.

Lapsen oikeuksien päivä 20.11. - Ruukin kehräämö

Children's Rights Day 20.11.

Ruukkin Kehräämö is involved in supporting the alpaca breeding of the indigenous population of Peru and improving the future prospects of children on alpaca farms. Happy Children's Rights Day and ...

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Musta alpakka on harvinaisuus - Ruukin kehräämö

Black alpaca is a rarity

In a previous information attack, we said that blue black alpaca is the only fiber used in the textile industry that can be completely black without dyeing. Thus, it is by far the most ecological o...

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Alpakat kommunikoivat erilaisin äännähdyksin - Ruukin kehräämö

Alpacas communicate with different sounds

The next time you come to visit Mathildedal, stay for a while and listen to the sounds of the alpacas. Alpacas may seem quiet, but they still communicate effectively by vocalizing. You ...

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Kaikki alpakanvilla hyödynnetään eri tuotteisiin - Ruukin kehräämö

All Alpaca wool is used for different products

The goal of Ruukki Kehräämö and its partners is to improve the quality of the wool through processing so that as much as possible of the wool spun from the alpacas is fine enough to make knitwea...

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Postimaksu vähentää palautusten määrää - Ruukin kehräämö

Postage reduces the number of returns

Did you know? In Finland, up to 50% of e-commerce orders are returned. Postage reduces the number of returns. On average, the largest emissions of clothes sold in an online store are produced ...

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Musta alpakkaneule on värjäämätön - Ruukin kehräämö

The black alpaca sweater is undyed

Alpaca is the only natural fiber used in the textile industry that can be completely black without dyeing. At Ruukki's spinning mill, all 100% alpaca products are undyed. There are up to 22 natura...

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Toimintamme tukee Perun alkuperäisväestön perheitä - Ruukin kehräämö

Our activities support the families of the indigenous population of Peru

Did you know? In the mountains of Peru, alpaca breeding is the main livelihood. A family of four has an average of 150 alpacas. They provide food and income for the family. Up to 85% of the nati...

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Villisilkki kerätään Kalaharin autiomaasta - Ruukin kehräämö

Wild silk is collected from the Kalahari desert

The Wild Silk we use comes from the Kalahari desert - this species of butterfly lives nowhere else in the world. When a wild silk butterfly hatches from its cocoon, the cocoon falls to the ground...

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Kotimainen angorakaninvilla on eettinen valinta - Ruukin kehräämö

Domestic angora rabbit wool is an ethical choice

Did you know? Domestic angora rabbit wool is an ethical choice. For Ruukki Kehräämö, the angora rabbit's wool comes from the domestic Villiniity farm, where the rabbits live a peaceful life in g...

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Mitä tarkoittaa Baby Alpaca? - Ruukin kehräämö

What does Baby Alpaca mean?

The name Baby Alpaca is often thought to come from the fact that the wool is collected from young alpacas. In reality, even an old alpaca can produce Baby Alpaca-level fiber. Baby Alpaca fiber (≤ 2...

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Ruukin Kehräämö - Suomen ainoa alpakanvillaa puhtaana käsittelevä kehräämö - Ruukin kehräämö

Ruukkin Kehräämö - Finland's only spinning mill that processes alpaca wool cleanly

Today we look a little into the past and return to the early days of Sin and Leena's company. Did you know how our story began? At first, the wool of Sini's alpacas was taken to England to be s...

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Alpakka on jalostettu villantuottajaeläimeksi - Ruukin kehräämö

The alpaca has been bred as a wool-producing animal

Did you know? The alpaca has been bred as a wool-producing animal. Kerinta is the cornerstone of the alpaca's well-being. Since alpaca is bred to produce wool, not picking it is harmful t...

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Alpakanvilla on uusiutuvaa ja kierrätettävää - Ruukin kehräämö

Alpaca wool is renewable and recyclable

Did you know? Alpaca wool is renewable and recyclable! Alpaca produces 3-6 kilos of fiber per year. When the alpaca garment reaches the end of its journey, the fiber can be reprocessed into ya...

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Tekstiilien ympäristövaikutus - Ruukin kehräämö

Environmental impact of textiles

The production and washing of textiles has surprising environmental effects. Read more about the European Parliament's report. Did you know? 0.5 million tons of microfibers are released into wat...

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Laskiaistiistai - Ruukin kehräämö

Shrove Tuesday

That's where the idea started... We started making small information attacks for our Some followers. Now you can go back to information attacks here on the blog as well. Did you know? Laskiainen...

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